Keynote Speakers
Prof. Yajun Liu, South China University of Technology
Assoc. Prof. Yabin Yang, Sun Yat-sen University
Yabin Yang is an associate professor and Ph. D. supervisor in school of materials science and engineering, in Sun Yat-sen University. He obtained his Ph. D. degree at department of mechanical engineering of Tsinghua University in 2016. During 2014 to 2015, Yabin Yang also studied in University of Virginia as a visiting scholoar funded by China Scholoarship Council. After obtained his Ph. D. degree, he worked in Delft University of Technology from 2016 to 2018, and since 2018, he worked in Sun Yat-sen University. Yabin Yang’s research interest includes multiscale problem in the design of of structural material, fast and acurrate simulation for the stresses and deformations in metal additive manufacturing, micro- and nano- metal additive manufacturing technologies. Some of his published journal ariticles can be found in Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Materials & Design, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Additive Manufacturing, etc. He was granted one national invention patent and one utility model patent. He has also undertaken many projects as the PI for National Natural Science Foundation, Guangdong Natural Science Foundation, national defense projects, and Enterprise cooperation project.
Assoc. Prof. Ata Jahangir Moshayedi, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology
Dr Ata Jahangir Moshayedi is an associate professor at JXUST. He has done his PhD from Electronic Science from Savitribai Phule Pune University, India( 2015). He has been a member of various Societies like IEEE, Instrument Society of India as a Life Member, Lifetime Member of Speed Society of India, and editorial team of various conference and journals. His research interest includes Robotics and Automation, Sensor modelling ,Bio-inspired robots, Mobile Robot Olfaction, Plume Tracking, Embedded System, Machine vision-based Systems, Virtual reality and Artificial Intelligence.